MMMS Membership Invitation

Dear Friends,
Registered as a “non for profit” Society and Trust, Maritime Mumbai Museum Society is a group of concerned citizens with an ambitious and extraordinary dream. Maritime Mumbai Museum Society will channel the efforts of the citizens of Mumbai and the various entities in the maritime domain to create a Maritime Museum which will capture and preserve our glorious maritime heritage and bring to the people an immersive experience of all things maritime from the past, current activities and a peep into the future.
Our Vision:  To establish a beautiful, modern, dynamic, inclusive, equitable, self-sustaining Maritime Museum which Mumbai will be proud of.
Our Mission: To work constructively with all stake-holders to define appropriate policies and executive decisions which ensure that the Maritime Mumbai Museum attains a pre-eminent position in the cultural sector of Mumbai and as a leading custodian of maritime heritage.
We invite you to be a part of a dream team that will make a real difference in the maritime world of Mumbai. We look forward to welcoming you to join the Maritime Mumbai Museum Society.

For existing members : Existing Members are requested to renew their memberships by filling up details in the form. You can transfer the Membership subscription amount of Rs. 1000.00 by scanning the UPI code and filling in the transfer details in the form. Once the online form is submitted you will receive an email on the email address that you have provided in the form. The membership validity is 01 April 25 - 31 March 26. 

For New Members: Persons desiring to be members are required to have their memberships proposed and seconded by existing members. New membership will only be granted once the application is vetted and approved by the Managing Committee.